The Boulder Hole

It was one of them days your going one way and things change and your going another way ! The Honda would not start ? A new one, completely dead ? I work at it a bit. I had to get Glaza and her load moved across the river, she is off to Watson Lake today. Glaza helped push it to the shop. I had a little more time so not giving up I work on it. A friend popped into my head, heavy-duty power guy ! Sid would say it starts some where and it end some where its in the middle you find your problem ! Today he was right ! A bad plug, and buy hunting it down I cut it out and went with a new connector. Turn the key and click pushed the start button and Little Red came to life ! Wow thankful this little 4×4 work hard around the mine doing what ever needs doing. Just a great little helper he is ! I did get back over to the work site and I when back into The Boulder Hole I pulledĀ  another test bucket from there ! WOW