Sluice Days

Get everything running, a warm up ! Coffee and snacks with Miss Busy, I then put every thing on line and go to work washing the trucked in ore. Sluice days are flat out days for me ! Feeding the Wizard and keeping an eye on it all, I get out and do a rounder, head box, top end, bottom end, sluice box, I work quickly, when you have motors running you have to be sluicing !  The day is a long one and you’re not complete until the gold plant is ready to go for it’s next gold  run, all the tailing rock is moved, and the truck ramp is cleaned up for the ore haul to the ore pad. I am always doing service or repairs as I move through the day ! Wow, and I still find time to party with Miss Busy as we move through our day together.  The Gold Miners Life