
This is me working for Glaza, everyone knows that in a Raven And Wolf Family  that it’s the Wolf that runs the place ! South East Yukon 

No Welcome Mat Here For Mr Porcupine

In the NothLand a Stump Pan is all good. Keeping the sticks and pokers out. It’s all good if your sinking, keeping you from getting stuck and sucked down in the mud ! But it is the wildlife that will take you out ! Wow the big hole looks inviting to Mr and Mrs. Porcupine to set up home ! This Stump Pan from VikingWest is going to fill this hole. I have one more hole  on the car body I’m working on. Few other things to build, working with the checker plated metal. Nice stuff. Now it’s just get this VikingWest Stump Pan up and in place, it’s heavy !