Miss Busy just had her number three birthday and she is a rocket girl that loves to work. She is on and yes on all the time ! I love it. She is a big part of our lives as gold miners. I take care of her but its her that takes care of me.
The Run 2018
Spring for a gold miner, get the house things done or as well as you can ! Start the list to pick up. Glaza was shopping today, she likes to shop right here in our little town Watson Lake, she is a smart shopper and by the time its time to go she will have a good start to what we need. I’m crazy for this girl its crazy ! Spring is like stepping into a start gate on the biggest down hill race of your life, crazy it never goes away ! The packing, planning work before the work. The hunt for gold is like no other ! Its all down hill and when the start gate is behind you will you settle down, stand flat on your skis and hang on for the ride of your life, the summers run ! we are all a year older Gold Miner,s lets hope that our win is glory yes glory and gold
Warmer Nights Longer Days GoldMiner
Last night it stayed warmer out. Went and fed Glaza’s rabbit falling through the snow ! To see spring coming on is nice. Wow not too fast, want to enjoy it all. Love spring in the North Land. I was up and first thing I did was cut and pull the stiches out ! Wow went in for a Driver’s Medical, he said a back tooth was bad. Well ok, overnight half a back tooth was gone and what I see, back in I go ! Well in no time It’s coming out ! Well the one in front of it snapped and wow that was black black in under it, smelled bad bad so pulled it too. Wow ! I have spent time repairing my teeth but when they’re just done they’re done ! Feel very blessed to have been fixed up and took care of. Bad teeth can make for a very bad summer ! Now I will still have the others looked at on a trip to the City ! Miss Busy loved her walk today, we’ve been road walking, the trails are hard to walk on, melting down ! The door is open and letting in the smell of that sweet spring air in !
Miner And His Girl the mine boss

Glaza is the camp cook, MinerMan is lucky