Just What I’m Up To !
The days have been flying by. All my parts came in for Glaza’s little trailer that is pulled behind Feather. I wanted it with windows, roof vent, mud flaps ,a must big time. With a little paint to bring it all together it looks great. It will not be too bad of a place to be when Glaza kicks me out with the dogs. It has been slow going for me, I’m one of them ones that goes to go and then…. Well you know… I work with what I have. It is a good time to hideaway and Hunt For Gold
Me Enjoying Sumner
Feather And Fur
I have been working on a little trailer to pack the Fur Pack. I have windows, vents and a few other things to do to it and we will be good to go ! It will pack the gold mining gear when we go out to hunt for it. When we come in cold wet and full of mud from a day of digging, the pack has its very own shack. Feather will pull it just fine at 900lbs