S/E Yukon Snow

Good call MinerMan on the skid steer !  The snow has come to my Yukon this year. The days can be cool at -28c and we get snow.  Nice I can leave it now a few days and then plow it.  This Cat 262C2 is great for around the yard cleaning.  It has been nice to have the yard clean and  we are out in it running wild.  At -28c the heater was great and the cab was nice and warm !

Lock Up

I do not go out where there are people.  Glaza has to move around in this unsafe environment !  What I can do for her is not to be out in it !  My family is and always will be FIRST !  I did not get out much this summer to hunt for gold.  Glaza says it is good to be safe and the gold can wait for you !  It has been there for a 1000 years and will be there for you when you get to it.  I just love this girl and that is just why !

Flat Out

Winter is here now but I have been a busy boy working away on things.  I watch a little TV and wow that’s it and off I go into the shop and work away on a project.  There a few I have been working on.  MinerMan always starts his day with a good sunrise and cup of coffee and some old rock and roll !

Where Does Time Go ?

Wow it has been a long time coming for a web update.  A lot has gone on.  One of the biggest was my very best friend had a heart attack and was in Vancouver when he called and says, “Hi Scotti its Mr Al and wow am I lucky to be alive!” .   We are blessed that it all went as well as it can at a time like this.  Al and I go way back and there is still a few adventures to go on.