Birthday Cake

Izzi had her birthday and we had cake.  It was a cake we as in Mr Bee, Glaza and I just dove right in and eat Cake A ! What a party it was !

Love It, Spring Is Here

Just love that spring is here and the life that comes back to this cold land!  The nights are -5c but nice and warm in the days sun shine.  Time of year you pull out the old maps and look at the lay of the land and plan for a big long walk out on the land.  Bless you all and Keep Safe. MinerMan Gold Hunter

Yukon’s Deep Freeze

The last few week S/E Yukon has seen a big cool down, big time.  The Yukon Freeze has found us !  -30c and -40c at night it is time to be home and doing the rounds every few hrs.  A home that just sits too long is like your car in the cold if it sits in the super cold it will freeze up !  A few more days to go and lets hope that it pulls off and that is it for winter !  You can bet that there are things out in this Super Cold that are being tested right now.

Frozen In Time With Out Communication

A look back at a nice summer day in my little home town Watson Lake Yukon.  Like all gray days they come they go !  Today a big thank you to NorthWestTel the crews in the offices that get the crews out on the land moving on it !  I’m thankful to see the lights light up and we are back up and running, or the sound of that dial tone. and now you can call family.  The North Land is a big cold place and it is a very hard place to work and stay safe in, and get a great  job done. A big thank you from me to you NWTEL  You Girls and Guys ROCK !  You Need To Hear It .