The Jamieson Girls

Miner Man has the best looking girls in the S/E Yukon, Shot was taken just before we had our snow. Days like this do not come any better for Miner Man 

S/E Ice Land Yukon

My little home town has been hit hard this year with Ice, and freezing rain. We like the warm weather but with it come Ice ! The fall down and crash is going around. Driving is been BAD ! Drive like you have no brake pedal and run her down the middle like a bob sled track !  Weather between the three zone, +3c down to -3c is the most danger zone to be for trucking heavy loads north ! Ice and ice everything slides ! Ok everything behind you but when you feel your steering axle let go and off you go on a wild ride, ICE, and by the grace of god you pull it off and stay on the highway ! It scares the shit right out of you.

Winter In Watson Lake North land

Wow sorry for not posting in a bit !  This fall has been a wild fall for Miner Man and the family. The list of things to get completed before winter set in was long and just when I was thinking it is to cold out the winter backed off and I went to work on anther job in the back yard.  Clean up, Fire Smart, now that it is safe to burn ! The work out in the fresh air is been great for me and my helper.