Lock Up

I do not go out where there are people.  Glaza has to move around in this unsafe environment !  What I can do for her is not to be out in it !  My family is and always will be FIRST !  I did not get out much this summer to hunt for gold.  Glaza says it is good to be safe and the gold can wait for you !  It has been there for a 1000 years and will be there for you when you get to it.  I just love this girl and that is just why !

Flat Out

Winter is here now but I have been a busy boy working away on things.  I watch a little TV and wow that’s it and off I go into the shop and work away on a project.  There a few I have been working on.  MinerMan always starts his day with a good sunrise and cup of coffee and some old rock and roll !

Where Does Time Go ?

Wow it has been a long time coming for a web update.  A lot has gone on.  One of the biggest was my very best friend had a heart attack and was in Vancouver when he called and says, “Hi Scotti its Mr Al and wow am I lucky to be alive!” .   We are blessed that it all went as well as it can at a time like this.  Al and I go way back and there is still a few adventures to go on.