The Fall Trip

The trip to the big bright lights went great !  We get a lot of “just pop in when your in town ” Well, the drive to Whitehorse Yukon, 500km one way is a 5hr drive on a highway that you do not take your eyes off of on the drive !   I must be getting old, the drive seems longer when it is shorter, and it’s a highway not a trail !  Or is it ?  Medical and dental is all out of Whitehorse !  So we drive.  It was a busy highway, the pull-out rest areas were a mess, and I’m thinking that they’re done cleaning them for the year?  When the Litter Containers are pouring out on the highway it’s time to get the fuck out there and get it picked up and cleaned up…..   The new chip that was put down through the summer was put down in the rain and is a wash board mess, rattling your teeth as far as the chip goes !     The call was made to lay it in the rain? The only way to repair this is to rip it up and try again !  I would have fired someone over this !  A crew needs a leader, they cannot feel good about the job when what they have done was all good and a call that came from the Captain was bad ! The little coach was great.  Nice way to travel and to be all together, real nice.  Izzy just loved it. We were all over the place picking up things, supplies, food for home, all the things you cannot get in our little home town of Watson Lake.  1200km and we all were happy to be home and and off the highway. On to the next project MinerMan