Fire In The Wire

I started mining 30 years ago and there are things,  as a miner, you leave behind.  Family and friends are on the top of the list !   My friend Trevor has lost his brother Bill to cancer and it hits home when you lose what is closest to you.  Bless Bill and the family.  Bill was a great guy.  I call Trevor “Digger”, this guy can dig test holes and look for gold,  a gold dog !   One thing on the list to do is put a little fire back in the wire !   We both love radios and plan to get the S/E Yukon LSB/USB back up and on line !   The old  CB radios have been in storage for a few years and it’s going to be fun to see if one can remember how to put it all back together !  Trevor and his wife Kim plan a trip back up north in the coming summer if things allow them.  Old Yukon-er  coming back to visit Yukon.  Magic.                   STAY TUNED  CQ CQ  DX