Motors Off But Still Digging 1

It may seem crazy not to be running motors and digging today. In a perfect world you would have new mine gear, fresh and that would take the heat !!! Well in my would the mine gear is old like me and I know to tern it off ! To hot 30c is just to hot ! I take days like this and go Prospecting. I like to be out on the land with my gun, dog, and a pack, buckets and a small shovel, moving and hunting for gold. The drive to find and map and make Holloway Bar bigger bedder. Before any mine is a mine it was a prospector that found it with hard tough work !   This Miner dose not run on bullshit and getting out there and doing the work is the only way ! Seeing the gold ! The right way ! I am proud to be Glasa’s Gold Miner MissBusy MinerMan GhostCrew