2007 Holloway Bar Gold Mining Adventure

The Holloway Bar video adventures all started with this series, which has inspired a new generation of gold miners over more than a decade!

We’ve got all 6 parts here for your viewing enjoyment.

Part 1

Placer gold mines use lots of water to run the gold plant and sluicebox. So, the first thing to do before you can go mining is to fire up the pump…

Scott and Trevor arrived on Holloway Bar in the old bus ready for action. Follow their mining adventure starting with this first installment.

Part 2 continues below…

Part 2

In the last installment, Scott and Trevor fired up the pump. Before they can run water through the gold plant, they have to finish putting the sluicebox, the heart of the gold plant, together. Watch episode #2 and continue your adventure on Holloway Bar.

Part 3

After firing up the pump and assembling the sluicebox, Scott and Trevor fire up the trommel motor and get ready to mine. But, trouble lays ahead…

Part 4

Both the pump and trommel are running, but Scott and Trevor have a problem – birds. What does a gold miner do when confronted with natural obstacles? Watch and see… Will they ever get gold mining?

Part 5

Scott and Trevor solved their bird problem and finally got all the pieces of the mining operation up and running. Scott’s dumping ore into the plant with the hoe and Trevor’s keeping things running smoothly. Will they find the motherlode?

Part 6

Everything’s running well now – the plant is processing the raw ore to extract the placer gold, the sun is shining, and the miners appear to be in good humour now that action’s started. But what will happen when the gold comes? Will the mad miner work it out with his lead hand? Watch the final episode to find out…


We hope you enjoyed this blast from the past! Stay tuned for more…